Inter Wire China 2016 Shanghai, China
The 7th All China International Wire & Cable Industry Trade Fair
About the show:
It can come as little surprise to those who observe the market that current Chinese government forecasts predict continued and expanded growth in areas key to the wire and cable industry, including transportation, telecommunications, electric power, chemical engineering, and construction.
As a result, China's wire and cable industry has developed rapidly over the past decade, so that the country now has become one of the world's major players in the field of wire and cable manufacturing. In fact, China's monthly imports and exports of wire and cable products have been valued at around US $300 million. However, locally produced equipment hasn't matched demand. For this very reason, wire China has been developed to tap into this market that is so essential for the future of China's economic growth!
Facts & Figures:
wire China 2016
The 7th All China International Wire & Cable Industry Trade Fair
Held Together with:
Tube China 2016
The 7th All China International Tube & Pipe Industry Trade Fair
Dates & Times
September 26-29, 2016
9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. daily
wire China is held every two years.
Future staging: Autumn 2018
Location / Address
Shanghai New International Exhibition Centre (SNIEC)
2345 Longyang Road, Pudong New Area
Shanghai, China
Show Organizers
Messe Düsseldorf China Ltd.
SECRI Shanghai Electric Cable Research Institute
International Show Supporters
Messe Düsseldorf GmbH
wire Düsseldorf
Main Product Categories:
- Wire manufacturing and finishing machinery
- Process technology tools
- Auxiliary process technology materials
- Measuring and control technology
- Test engineering
- Specialist areas
- Materials, special wires and cables